Please for the love of country. Make it real
I feel it. I forgot what it was like. I feel.. The Bern.
donald trump does have experience with the WWE. hes in their hall of fame actually
i sometimes wonder if he wishes he had stayed more of a celebrity than a politician.
I would genuinely cry. He is older than both of them and could literally run circles around them, both mentally and physically. I would 100% vote for Bernie and be fine with it. The vote for Biden is because the armpit of hell that I live in doesn't do ranked voting and Trump will wreck the planet. A rotting potato powering a computer core running ChatGPT left ignored on the resolute desk for 4 years would be a better alternative to these two fuckwits.
Seriously, why did they have to run Joe? If they had run someone in their 50's or 60's they would win on "well, he isn't as old as Trump" alone. If they had run someone under the age of 40 I imagine every leftist voter under the age of 50 would have been voting for them. The only reason "he's fucking old" doesn't stick to Trump is because he behaves like a horny 15 year old jacked up on cocaine and Twitter.
Just... FML.
Come to Europe, we have democracy! And the far right still wins...
But at least they don't automatically get effectively all the power after winning a simple majority. That's... something, at least. I want to cry.
after winning a simple majority
don't listen to them; our systems beats theirs because you don't even need a majority to win over here thanks to the electoral college and gerrymandering. lol
if they have an actual majority (more than 50%), they would but luckily that's not the case... yet
Yeah, because we have more than two parties, so a simple majority isn't automatically an absolute one. But if you group the far right with the increasingly far right "conservatives", it looks much more bleak.
But if you group the far right with the increasingly far right “conservatives”, it looks much more bleak.
we've been in that situation since the 1980's; our center-right and our far right are our only choices for president now.
i used to think europe's democracies were ahead since they carried on with progressive initiatives the americans stopped doing in the 1970's, but now i wonder if europe's lurch rightwards is them catching up to the americans.
It is a pendulum, here in Sweden I know many people feeling disillusioned by the social democrats, combine that with ineffectual meassures against gang violence (often perpetuated by second generation migrant), where the perpetrators don't care about punnishment as it is quite mild.
Add to that that we have seen gangs and clans infiltrating the government at different levels, a few months ago two big news broke, one was that an employee at a court had let her criminal boyfriend sit at her computer using her access to go through classified documents, the other was that a student at the police academy had very close ties to gangs, to the point that it is assumed that they were tasked by the gang to join the police force and be a man on the inside.
Then we recently had a soldier who left his Ak5 complete with all parts in his car, against all regulations, when he was eating lunch, the car just happened to be burgled and the Ak5 rifle as well as a set of body armor was stolen.
It is assumed by most people that this was organized ahead of time, military vehicles have special number plates and are easily recognized, so he probably got paid to do this by a gang.
Then we have the dad who got shot a killed after asking a group of what was gabg members to behave as he was taking his son to the public pool, snd an altercation started, the dad was shot in the head and his 12 year old son called the police.
We also have some less recent major issues that had contributed to the rise of the right.
Incidents where young men from migrant families have been harrasing and even feeling up women, commonly at public pools.
Combine that with severe religious differences and some public pools have experimented with women only bathing hours.
Most of if not all of the above points have been related to migrants.
So it isn't that odd that when the left offer what is seen as weak policies and pushes for understanding of the perpetrator and the right just says "fuck them, we gave them food, a place to live, security, healthcare and what do we get back? Gang violence, disrespect and harrasment!", that people choose the right.
In my mind we need heavier punnishment, we need containment punnishments, way longer punnishments for those who are not interested in rehab which our justice system focuses on, after two times caught they need to get an automatic 10x the time normally given. If people are not interested in being part of a working society, then I'd rather they stay locked up.
In my mind we need heavier punnishment, we need containment punnishments, way longer punnishments for those who are not interested in rehab which our justice system focuses on, after two times caught they need to get an automatic 10x the time normally given. If people are not interested in being part of a working society, then I’d rather they stay locked up.
we do that here; not only does it both not work well and allows people to profit from exacerbating it; it fixes a lot less and costs a lot more than treating it like a societal issue; changing policy; and aggressive outreach.
we've also had recidivism rates drop when convicts were given alternatives viable to their situation instead of focusing on the punishment.
While I don't agree with your conclusion/personal opinion of more repressive politics as the solution to this, I still want to thank and upvote you for explaining the situation and the resulting political climate in Sweden in a bit of detail.
IMHO, none of that justifies voting for far-right or even fascist parties (like the AfD over here in Germany), but I can absolutely understand the reasons why people do it.
If they had run someone under the age of 40 I imagine every leftist voter under the age of 50 would have been voting for them.
Once again I would watch this celebrity death match
I love celebrity death match, it was so ridiculous! Still have a copy of the game
There was a game? Could you PM me? I'd like an ~~copy~~ honest review.
This one, and Kai Winn vs Delores Umbridge. I honestly want to see the second scenario more than the first, but that's just because I'm firmly convinced that Kai Winn would, "My Child," Umbridge into defeating herself.
Every depressing political moment gets healed with a bernie meme.
Wish he had another chance so baaad :'/
Oh, I love this idea so much.
Technical question: If he would murder both candidates, could he still become president and pardon himself?
No law prevents a convicted felon from running or winning the office of the presidency. As for the question of self-pardons, that’s something that everyone on both sides would hotly debate as it’s never been tested before. You would think there’s an obvious answer (he can’t) but unfortunately laws get fuzzy at the very top and decisions are usually dictated by historic precedent (which there is none for this scenario in US politics.)
It depends on if he's charged with a federal or state charge, and even if federal, there's still the question of whether he actually can, which would have to be considered by the courts.
I think legally this situation is called The Air Bud Loophole
Based on Trumps defenders, it's a legal gray area, so yes.
Why does trump the biggest of them not just eat Biden?
Is he an idiot?
Don't let this election, or any election, allow us to forget the time back in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.
Hahahahaha no way!
In contrast to the other two dudes, bernie never gets old
He doesn't get older, just more and more apparent he was right this whole time
he also has a front seat view to this country's rightward shift and i wonder how frustrating it is to be so close to the levers of power to stop it; but to be blocked both your adversaries and your allies each time you try to reach for them.
Non-American here, is it too late for him to be the Democrat candidate in the upcoming election?
I doubt Bernie himself will but technically it’s not too late. The Democratic national convention hasn’t happened yet and after the debate there’s been a renewed push to pick someone else
Technically no, but it'll never happen.
The way the parties nominate candidates for president is an absolute mess, but the nominations aren't official until the parties hold a closed convention with delegates who vote for candidates to be the nominee. Back in the day these delegates used to actually be the people who decided who got nominated. These days they're more like a ceremonial role, with a lot of them (I think) being required to vote in line with the way people voted in their state's primary.
Anyway, I'd have to look it up to be 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure enough delegates have some kind of autonomy that it's possible they could nominate someone other than Biden. Who they would end up agreeing on....? Heck if I know.
Yeah. Supreme court ruled that political parties post-2016 are private clubs that can do whatever the fuck they want (Supreme Courts ruling on DNC's ratfucking of Bernie).
Afaict from DNC rules , Biden needs to release his delegates for the first rounds of voting; from there it would proceed like any convention prior to 1976.
Honestly, it would be a great thing for the Democrats to do this. All of a sudden people would really fucking care about the election.
Our Democrats would never let him win, and that's before you even get to the Republicans. Republican heads might actually explode if we elected a progressive who dared to call themselves a Democratic Socialist.
Meanwhile, Democrats are also crushed under the thumb of all the money big business pours into ~~bribery~~ lobbying, and they have already made it clear twice that they won't let him get on the ballot.
We'll never get progressive policies or a progressive president unless the progressives infiltrate D to the extent maga has infiltrated R.
I'd give my life savings to see this from Sanders. Of course, then we'd lose him, so it would have to be part of his retirement announcement.
Here's how Bernie can still win
Get out of my head!
Holy shit, is that the actual sauce? I had no idea about where this came from!
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