Lovely but why does this seem to be happening in Bristol
Sorry is this the onion or not
1990 gang calling in, I’ll be 65 this January
I know just enough about this to confirm that this statement is absolute horseshit
Hey bud don’t threaten me with a good time eh
Why is Nintendo such a gigantic piece of shit about fucking everything
Man this guys got some balls coming forward after they literally shot the other guy in the fucking head fml
It’s fucking incredible watching Google change from a fairly well-liked company into essentially fucking Comcast. Fucking incredible.
Well in that case I might replace windows 12 with not using windows 12
The romans had arena mode
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joined 1 year ago
…………..I did the odyssey at various points man I think the guy in the tweet is just Polyphemus or smthn like ‘I don’t know who this nobody guy is, ain’t never heard of no odyssey before bro’