Would you mind to share the link please? Might give it a try to cover a hole or so. :)
Bitteschön, hier ist die Auszahlungsanweisung, mit der Sie sich vorne am Schalter die vollen 20000€ auszahlen lassen können.
Weiter oben steht, dass dieses Produkt wie Honig schmecken soll: https://bee-neo.de/products/vegane-honig-alternative-cremig?srsltid=AfmBOoq9T_d_vW4MhEVHXfFXwDgb5HNooA_zshNQ5dGESefNhrjIOoWv
Ich hab's selbst allerdings nicht getestet, ist kein Geschmack, den ich vermisse.
Wenn man nach "Honigaroma vegan" googlet gibt es übrigens massenhaft Produkte von diversen Herstellern. Dass der Geschmack unnachahmlich sein soll, würde ich also eher anzweifeln.
Dies. Wird auch unter dem Namen Goldsaft verkauft, z.B. von Grafschafter.
'Using cloud software will lead to lower costs and a better overall service quality'
You may have a look at GrapheneOS or other custom firmwares for your Pixel 4A to get an extended period of security patches.
mostly automated, including cotton harvesting
Do you have a source for that? As per the last documentaries I saw on this topic, sweatshops are still a huge topic in the textile industry. 10 years ago there was a horrible accident in Bangladesh where more than 1000 people were killed and another 2500 injured after the building of a single textile factory collapsed.
As per the sources I know, conditions might have slightly (!!!) improved since then but still miles away from acceptable.
More than 60 million people work in the textiles and garment industry across the world according to the International Labour Organization (ILO) – most of them in developing and emerging economies. Yet in many of these countries, production and working conditions fall short of internationally defined environmental and social standards.
Despite public outrage about substandard working conditions, the global garment and textile industry remains rife with cases of sweatshop conditions, union-busting, gender discrimination, and forced and child labour. Around the world, the rights and safety of garment workers are being systematically neglected.
Textile workers in underdeveloped countries face labor rights abuses, low pay, long hours, dangerous working conditions, and restricted access to healthcare and education. Gender discrimination is a significant issue, particularly for women.
Today, the textile sector is one of the largest economic sectors globally in terms of production amount, labor employment, and gross domestic product. At the same time, it is also one of the least sustainable sectors due to its profound negative environmental and social impacts
Also it's the first time that I hear that fashion is manufactured mostly in automated processes. I always heard that it's highly labor intensive because the styles permanently change, batches are small and complex designs still can't be automated in an economic way. As far as I know, there are no machines that can produce the numerous different models of shirts, trousers, backpacks, jackets, caps, dresses, skirts etc. that we see in fast fashion.
Is there no flotsam from elsewhere washed ashore in Antartica?
But independent of that, I think that's an awesome ice stick!
Under the province’s wildlife act, it is illegal to “worry, exhaust, fatigue, annoy, plague, pester, tease or torment” an animal
I also want to be protected by this act, please!
If you consider only the RAM on the developers' PCs maybe. If you count in thousands of customer PCs then optimizing the code outperforms hardware upgrades pretty fast. If because of a new Windows feature millions have to buy new hardware that's pretty desastrous from a sustainability point of view.