The military doesn't have the same latitude to criticize the President like this that the rest of us do. He can't legally say stuff like this until after retirement
A big chunk of Swifties are in their 30s at this point
Gift link giving everybody access. You can edit this into the original post.
When the Republicans control the judicial system, "illegal" only applies to Democrats.
Be a little careful about that; type 1 can't be reversed this way.
It's not just porn; you can deep fake pretty much anything, including racist rants and criminal acts.
AccuWeather has been lobbying for this; Joe Bastardi knows he can't do as good a job so he wants to end the competition
Yes, they've been updating the vaccine every year to match currently-circulating virus strains. This is about an additional update coming out this fall.
Pretty much the same thing is done with flu vaccines, where you need a periodic update for it to be effective.
Thing is, I don't see other Democrats doing better, especially once they've been attacked by the right wing smear machine
Compare and contrast with the Biden administration to save the children by keeping lead out of their drinking water.
Yeah, because the other Republicans are protecting him