Kyle Rittenhouse is free and enriching himself from his crime...
Storming the capital or shooting dozens of children are not terrorism, but shooting a CEO who murders thousands is. Got it.
They're clearly trying to send a message to scare his supporters
Anyways, what are y'all having for dinner tonight?
Maybe they should investigate why so many Americans are clapping for the guy who shot a CEO
I have spent all day crying and drafting escape plans since my life is now in extreme danger. I'm a Latina immigrant, trans, and drag-adjacent performer
I applaud this neonazi for finally doing the right thing, more should follow in his footsteps
NYPD goes HARD on toll jumpers, but there's virtually zero enforcement on traffic and cars. Everywhere I go I see assholes with illegally modified vehicles, degenerates speeding down shoulders and medians, motorcycles on crowded sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and too many drunk drivers to count. There are so many cases where one pig parked on the shoulder during rush hour would fund the city budget for a year.
Instead we get whole families of pigs loitering by the turnstiles
It's simple. Bigotry and greed. Trump plays to people's fears that "others" will soon have the same rights they do while also assuring his rich handlers that he will make them richer. He's convinced the poor to cut off their nose to spite their face.
Conservatism is a mental illness, it can't be defeated with logic and reasoning
They got it through a fucking phishing email
I'm definitely not voting for Hunter Biden now
If you work hard you'll have a successful life
The American electorate is stunningly stupid and disconnected from reality. Look up some of the trending Google searches on election day, they're stupider than you think