Ah cool, wieder was gelernt. Danke :)
Ich hatte immer den Eindruck, dass Arte ÖR ist.
Und diese Hosts Datei schmuggeln wir auf die Rechner unserer Schwurbelnden Verwandtschaft?
yeah... fuck LinkedIn, Xing and all those social media made for career pigs.
UUuh look how successful I am working 80 hours per week for this prestige company.
No you idiot, you are a wage slave nothing more!
I really like how Spiff exemplified his utter britishiness!
Depends on Jurisdiction/Country, but someone should not be on the internet when they weren't eligible to get a contract with an internet service provider themselves.
Fick den Springer Verlag. Dieses Vorgehen von den Ärschen gehört geahndet, da dies Wahleinmischung von Außen darstellt!
Emily is disappointed.
Wie viele Beweise braucht Karlsruhe noch!? Eilantrag jetzt!
shoot/vote first, ask/read on the issues later.
the majority of Americans (trump voters and those who didn't vote at all) seem to be a bit stupid.
You haven't experienced Shakespeare unless you read it in the original klingon.
Ah, also dann auch auf die Rechner unserer PolitikerInnen, verstanden.