There are actually people getting paid for this shit
Are they just sitting in a group in multiple meetings to brainstorm new names for stuff?
And I thought just managers are parasites...
There are actually people getting paid for this shit
Are they just sitting in a group in multiple meetings to brainstorm new names for stuff?
And I thought just managers are parasites...
Ich finde das einfach ein sehr schwieriges Thema
Wenn ich 40-50 Jahre lang gearbeitet habe und ne entsprechende Pension erwarte, weil ich auch so eingezahlt hab, dann wäre das nicht ok, wenn ich dann am Ende meiner Arbeitszeit einfach nen Teil der Pension gestrichen bekomme
Ich mein, man rechnet dann ja auch mit dem Pensionseinkommen und plant finanziell entsprechend
Keine Ahnung, wie man das am vernünftigsten angeht...
Naja, ich selbst werd dann wohl eh nix mehr kriegen...
What are we else anyway, besides internal dead bots working for an overlord making money from our decline to dirt?
"fürstliche" Pension find ich jetzt etwas übertrieben, wenn ich mir anschaue, was meine Mutter nach mehreren Dekaden Arbeit als Angestellte bekommt
Es reicht aktuell fürs Leben, falls die Inflation nicht weiter steigt...
I'm torn between, it should be outputs, or it's ok, because those are like intermediate inputs inside the brain, which will get to be outputs
I fucking love trappist beer! :-D
Although my favourite is La Trappe, so Netherlands again...
But I need to hand it to Belgium, that you guys really have nice beer and I absolutely enjoyed the Delirium!
Nice how the guy crawls his breast hair though
Yeah, small town shops dying is really sad
Building large shopping centers and online retailers seem to have killed most small shops in smaller towns around here too...
COVID pretty much was the death nail, as you said
Weiß zufällig wer, ob das in Österreich ähnlich ist?
Was ist mit Fahrrädern, die ich dort abstelle (neben dem Auto)?
Yeah, especially the COVID conspiracies are mostly brain dead stuff
The whole world pretty much stopped, which helps absolutely no one, but somehow those guys think, that a dark force is trying to kill the economy for...profit?
Also all the scientists and doctors are together in bed and just want people to stay indoors, because... I have absolutely no clue
It just didn't make sense from the start.
Although I do get scepticism against new vaccine methods, but when someone tries to "explain" to me, that mRNA somehow overwrites my DNA and I should drink bleach instead...I usually don't even know where to start to correct them
I'm not sure a pseudo QR code on the truck gives off the right message
I actually would really like to know, what it says and would make myself punishable by that
But I think, it looks so inviting to scan it...